Wednesday, 22 June 2011

How Would You Be Kinder To Yourself?

Another Layout for my 52 questions - this time - How would you be kinder to yourself?

I decided that I could do with more fun in my life and occasionally forget about the cleaning, cooking and other chores that need doing around the house. Having "More Fun" would be really nice.

I have used a photo of me having fun with my gorgeous baby niece "Eva". My sister took some photos of us a few weeks ago and I was really pleased with the result - we do look like we are having a lovely time together!

Have a great week!


  1. a great page :) love the silver hands, reminds me I have some somewhere I must use :)

  2. Another onw who loves the silver hands. :) great element to the layout.

  3. This is a lovely layout, love the silver hands.
