I wanted to make flowers - so I've had a go at what some people call "Yo-yo's". I'm not a very good seamstress but think these turned out okay. I used material that I collected from a wedding favour and buttons from a charity shop.
Looking back through my old magazines I came across a tutorial on how to make bluebells. Okay my paper isnt quite the right colour but I'm pleased with the result. Another flower to add to my repotoire!
This purple one is made out of circles cut with a punch. I added a felt stamen and a little inking - again - more care to be taken next time but it was good to play!
Onto my new fabric stash - I couldn't believe it when I went looking for pinking shears and the cheapest were £17.00!!!! I decided to do without (for a bit) so just cut circles from this suade, added a button, sliced into the circle at intervals and added a bit of glitter glue. Voila - homemade fabric flowers to add to the collection!
I found a tutorial for these little paper florals on a blog - they are so sweet although a little fiddly. I cant seems to get the "petals" close enough together yet but I think practice will eventually pay off!
And here are some happy looking flowers growing in my garden - they've even survived this week's frost!
I had to use a few of my new floral ideas for a LO - this one is of my Dad, sister and I in about 1976. I'll add it to my Ancestry album!
It was good to have a little play - now I'm off to look for more floral ideas ......
What a range of flowers :) They look great- love the fabric ones, I will have to give them ago. Gorgeous LO and lovely shots of your garden flowers too!
Lovely flowers